I have been remiss in not announcing sooner the publication this past spring of There Are No Solid Gold Dancers Anymore, by Adrienne Weiss. This excellent book of poetry was published in the Junction Books imprint with Nightwood Editions, and you can purchase it directly from the distributor here

Zeppelin & Movie Monster
Blaise Moritz will be launching his new book, Zeppelin, along with Elizabeth Bachinsky, Brad Cran, and Jay MillAr, at Supermarket, 268 Augusta Ave., Toronto, on Saturday, April 20th, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. We hope you will join us for a great evening of poetry. Zeppelin is published by Nightwood Editions and is part of the Junction Books imprint. To celebrate the launch his new book, Blaise and his kids made this wonderful video for “Movie Monster,” a poem from the collection. Enjoy