Junction Books is pleased to announce that Symbological: an extrapolation, a new chapbook by Stan Rogal, has been published. The chapbook will be available for sale this Saturday, November 16th, at the Indie Literary Market. Stan will also be launching the chapbook on November 26 at the Art Bar Poetry Series.  

2018 Indie Literary Market
Junction Books will be participating in the 2018 Indie Literary Market put on by Meet the Presses. We will have two new chapbooks for sale: Conversing with Wang An-shih: A Sequence of Glosas by John Reibetanz and You don’t want what I’ve got by Triny Finlay. Come out and support Junction Books and all of the other fine small presses who will be attending this event. Indie Literary Market Saturday, November 17th, 2018 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Trinity–St. Paul’s United Church 427 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario Facebook Event

Our First Book: Quarrel of Arrows
Dear friends of Junction Books, I am pleased to announce that we will be publishing our first ever full book of poetry. The book will be a translation of Old Norse-Icelandic poems by Emily Osborne, a poet and translator from British Columbia. The book will be titled: Quarrel of Arrows: Ten Poets from Medieval Norway and Iceland. Along with the translations of poems, introductory essays will be written on each translated poet, as well as an overall introduction about Old Norse-Icelandic poetry. I am very much looking forward to working with Emily on this project, and we anticipate the book will be published and available in the fall of 2019. To whet your appetite, below is a poem translated by Emily, along with some notes [&hellip

2019 Chapbook
Junction Books is pleased to announce our 2019 chapbook title. In fall 2019, we will be publishing SYMBOLOGICAL: an extrapolation by Stan Rogal. Thank you to all of the writers who took the time to submit their manuscripts to Junction Books this year. We appreciate your interest in our small press. – Carleton Wilson

John Reibetanz Chapbook Launch
Junction Books is excited to announce a chapbook launch for Conversing with Wang An-shih: A Sequence of Glosas by John Reibetanz. The launch will be held on Thursday, October 11, at 8:00 PM at Cool Hand of a Girl café in the Junction. Junction Books Chapbook Launch Conversing with Wang An-shih: A Sequence of Glosas by John Reibetanz Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 8:00 PM Cool Hand of a Girl 2804 Dundas Street West Toronto, Ontario Facebook Event

Chapbook Launch
Junction Books is excited to announce a chapbook launch for Triny Finlay’s You don’t want what I’ve got. Triny will be in town from New Brunswick so we hope that you’ll be able to come out for the launch, which will be held on Thursday, June 14, at 8:00 PM at Cool Hand of a Girl café in the Junction. Lucas Crawford, a guest poet, will also be reading at the event. Junction Books Chapbook Launch You don’t want what I’ve got by Triny Finlay with guest poet Lucas Crawford Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 8:00 PM Cool Hand of a Girl 2804 Dundas Street West Toronto, Ontario Facebook Event

Chapbooks and Merch
Hello Friends! You are now able to buy chapbooks from our website! You can find Retreats by Karen Solie, Flood Lands by Faye Chisholm Guenther, and Anima Canadensis by Sonnet L’Abbé available for purchase on the Chapbooks page. We have also set up a Merch page where you can buy a Junction Books T-shirt, as well as Junction Books book darts. Thank you for all of your support!

bpNichol Chapbook Award
Junction Books is excited to announce that Sonnet L’Abbé has won the bpNichol Chapbook Award for Anima Canadensis! Thank you to Meet the Presses for all the work they do in administering this award, and thank you to the donors of the award. Anima Canadensis has been reprinted and is available for sale in the Chapbooks section of our website. You can find the official notice here. Congratulations Sonnet!  

Anima Canadensis on The Town Crier
The Puritan magazine has published a review of Sonnet L’Abbé’s Anima Canadensis on their Town Crier blog. Thank you to Adam Mohamed and the folks at The Puritan for shining some digital light on Sonnet’s chapbook

Retreats by Karen Solie
The title of Karen Solie’s chapbook is Retreats. It will be available at the Indie Literary Market on November 18th. We hope to see you there. Here is the cover for Retreats…